9 oclock
Camp Douglass Aug 22
Mother I thought I would write a line or two to you. We just got orders to pack knapsacks and strike our tents. Rumor says we are bound for Fort Donnelson where the rebels are advancing on to. The men are all glad so am I. My knapsack is packed and I am ready. My clothes I will send to day by express. My likeness I am afraid I cant get taken now but I will try if I don't now I send it to you as soon as I can.
We have 3 days rations ready. Denny was here yesterday. He is well. I sent you $3 yesterday. I will send you today $4 more. I got my $60 yesterday. I now have had $87 with $13 more to get. I have spent some $7 counting that I sent to you. It costs more than any one would think for to get started for a soldier. I will put $70 in the bank to day and the other when I get it. The cheack to go Grand. You write and tell her. Tell her if England or France makes war with us let her send it to Mr. Dodds to keep for me as neither nation will be apt to get so far into our country. You know I may not have time to write to Grand nothing more than send the cheack. I will write again as soon as I can.
So good bye.
Eugene Way
Emily C Way